#!/usr/bin/perl # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This software is Copyright (C) 2007, All Rights Reserved # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This program is protected by local and international copyright laws. Any # use of this program is subject to the the terms of the license agreement # included as part of this distribution archive. Any other uses are strictly # prohibited without the written permission of the Vendor and all # other rights are reserved. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Warning : Modifying this program violates your license agreement! # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; ### Get Script Directory use vars qw($CGIDIR); BEGIN { foreach my $scriptFilepath ($0, $ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}) { if ($scriptFilepath =~ m/^\./) { next; } # skip relative paths (eg: ./admin.cgi) unless ($scriptFilepath =~ m|^(.+)[\\\/]|) { next; } # match path but not filename $CGIDIR = $1; $CGIDIR =~ s|\\|/|g; last; } }; ### Load Modules use Time::Local; use lib ("$CGIDIR/modules/"); use IT::AutoLoader; use IT::Globals; ### Define Globals $PROGRAM_VERSION = '2.16'; $PROGRAM_BUILD = '5'; $PROGRAM_KEY = 35797; $PROGRAM_ID = 15; ### Run Program eval { &main(); }; if ($@) { # display program errors print "Content-type: text/html\n\n" unless $IT::COMMON::CONTENT_HEADERS_SENT; print "
\n" if $IT::App::ALERT_MESSAGES; print "Debug: $IT::App::DEBUG_MESSAGES
\n" if $IT::App::DEBUG_MESSAGES; } exit; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function : main # Description : main program # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub main { # initialize program &IT::App::Init::loadCustomPatches('customPatches.pl'); &IT::ArtMan::Init::appInit(); &IT::App::Init::appInit(); # display error if not installed unless ($SETTINGS->{'isInstalled'}) { print &IT::Common::contentType('text/html'); print qq|You must install the program before you can use the search engine.|; exit; } # get output my $htmlWithSSIs; if ($FORM->{'action'} eq 'search') { $htmlWithSSIs = &getSearchResults(); } else { $htmlWithSSIs = &getSearchForm(); } my $html = &IT::SSIResolver::resolveSSIs($htmlWithSSIs); # display output print &IT::Common::contentType('text/html'); print &IT::App::alert(); print $html; exit; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function : getSearchForm # Description : # Usage : &getSearchForm(); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub getSearchForm { my $template = "searchEngine/searchForm.html"; # get placeholders my $category = {}; my $article = {}; my $placeholders = &IT::ArtMan::CustomMenus::Publish::createPlaceholders($category, $article, $template); foreach (qw(startMon startDay startYear endMon endDay endYear includeSubcats)) { $placeholders->{"$_"} = ''; } $placeholders->{'category.optionListForSearchEngineAsBreadcrumbs'} = &IT::ArtMan::CustomMenus::Category::createCategoryOptionListForSearchEngineAs('breadcrumbs'); $placeholders->{'category.optionListForSearchEngineAsBranches'} = &IT::ArtMan::CustomMenus::Category::createCategoryOptionListForSearchEngineAs('branches'); # generate output my $htmlWithSSIs = &template($template, $placeholders); return $htmlWithSSIs; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function : getSearchResults # Description : # Usage : &getSearchResults(); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub getSearchResults { my $articleTable = $TABLE_PREFIX . "article"; my @whereQuery; # add keyword query my $keywordFilterQuery = &_createKeywordFilterQuery(); push(@whereQuery, $keywordFilterQuery) if $keywordFilterQuery; # get category nums my @categoryNums; if ($FORM->{'categoryNum'}) { @categoryNums = @{$FORM_ARRAYS->{'categoryNum'}}; } if ($FORM->{'categoryNums'}) { @categoryNums = split(/\s*,\s*/, $FORM->{'categoryNums'}); } # define placeholder &IT::Template::setGlobalPlaceholder('categoryNums', join(',', @categoryNums)); # search all cats by default if (!@categoryNums) { # default to all categories (except disabled or nonsearchable) my $categoryArray = &IT::ArtMan::CustomMenus::Category::getSortedFilteredCategoryArray({ showUnlinkedCategories => 1, showDisabledCategories => 0, limitToSearchableCategories => 1, }); @categoryNums = map { $_->{'num'} } @$categoryArray; } # add date range query my $startDate = eval { timegm($FORM->{'startSec'}, $FORM->{'startMin'}, $FORM->{'startHour'}, $FORM->{'startDay'}, $FORM->{'startMon'}-1, $FORM->{'startYear'}-1900); }; my $endDate = eval { timegm($FORM->{'endSec'}, $FORM->{'endMin'}, $FORM->{'endHour'}, $FORM->{'endDay'}, $FORM->{'endMon'}-1, $FORM->{'endYear'}-1900); }; push @whereQuery, "article.date >= '$startDate'" if ($startDate); push @whereQuery, "article.date < '$endDate'" if ($endDate); # create results limit my $thisPageNumber = $FORM->{'page'} || 1; my $startNum = &IT::Common::mathMax(($thisPageNumber-1) * $FORM->{'perpage'}, 0); my $perpage = int($FORM->{'perpage'} || 10); my $limitArray = [$startNum, $perpage]; # define sorting fields my @sortFields = split(/\s*,\s*/, $FORM->{'sortBy'}); my $sortByArray = @sortFields ? \@sortFields : undef; # set template my $template = $FORM->{'template'} || "searchEngine/searchResults.html"; unless (&IT::Template::isValidTemplate($template)) { die "The specified template is not in valid templates list!\n"; }; # get articleList html my $whereQuery = join ' AND ', @whereQuery; my $html = &IT::ArtMan::CustomMenus::Publish::ArticleLists::getHtmlForList({ 'template' => $template, 'categoryNums' => \@categoryNums, 'includeChildArticles' => $FORM->{'includeSubcats'}, 'sortBy' => $sortByArray, 'limit' => $limitArray, 'where' => $whereQuery, 'pageNumber' => $thisPageNumber, 'ruleNumber' => undef, }); # return $html; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function : _createKeywordFilterQuery # Description : # Usage : my $keywordFilterQuery = &_createKeywordFilterQuery(); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _createKeywordFilterQuery { my $articleTable = $TABLE_PREFIX . "article"; # return if no keyword if ($FORM->{'keyword'} eq '') { return; } # escape keyword my $escapedKeyword = &IT::DB::getEscapedValue( $FORM->{'keyword'} ); $escapedKeyword = &IT::DB::escapeWildcardChars( $escapedKeyword ); # get keyword search fields my $searchFields = []; if ($FORM->{'keywordSearchFields'}) { @$searchFields = split(/\s*,\s*/, $FORM->{'keywordSearchFields'}); } else { $searchFields = &IT::DB::Schema::getTableAttributes($articleTable, 'appDefaultSearchFields'); } # create keyword query my $keywordQuery; foreach my $fieldname (@$searchFields) { unless (&IT::DB::Schema::existsField($articleTable, $fieldname)) { die "Unknown fieldname '$fieldname'!\n"; } my($fieldType) = &IT::DB::Schema::getFieldAttributes($articleTable, $fieldname, 'type'); my $operator = ($fieldType eq 'int') ? '=' : 'CONTAINS ALL'; $keywordQuery .= " OR " if $keywordQuery; $keywordQuery .= "article.$fieldname $operator '$escapedKeyword'"; } # bracket and return query $keywordQuery = "($keywordQuery)"; return $keywordQuery; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function : defineGlobalPlaceholders # Description : # Usage : &defineGlobalPlaceholders() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub defineGlobalPlaceholders { # Define default global placeholders &IT::App::defineGlobalTemplatePlaceholders(); # Define application specific global placeholders &IT::Template::setGlobalPlaceholder('keyword', $FORM->{'keyword'}); # deprecated &IT::Template::setGlobalPlaceholder('search.keyword', $FORM->{'keyword'}); &IT::Template::setGlobalPlaceholder('keywordSearchFields', $FORM->{'keywordSearchFields'}); # deprecated &IT::Template::setGlobalPlaceholder('search.keywordSearchFields', $FORM->{'keywordSearchFields'}); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # end of file 1;